Monday, October 20, 2008

Presedential Election

For this blog post I didn't really know what to write about so I am going to give my personal opinion on the debate. I think that the debate is just a big fight that 50% of the world doesn't really know what is going on. I think that most people don't know what the debate is about so they just follow along to what family or friends say. some people just pretend to know about the debate but in reality they have know clue on what is going on, but I think that I'm not one of this people any more.
At the beginning of the debate I didn't really know what was going on. All I did was follow along. but I started to take interest on what was going on and I decided to research on the debate. what I learned about the debate was that Obama wants to bring the troops from the war and in different words he is also trying to make us surrender. but what really strikes me is that Obama has allot of terrorist friends, and we never know he could be planning another terrorist attack and maybe that's why he is trying to bring back the troops from the war. his main goal is to focus more on the economy than what is happening in the war, he thinks that our economy is more important than the war and I agree.
Now McCain is trying to send more troops to fight and he is making us stay in battle. but how do we know that he is just not trying to waste are money by sending more troops. we waste over 3 billion dollars in sending weapons, armor and other things to the troops that are in battle, and that money is spend monthly. I think that no matter who wins the debate we are still screwed. we are going to end up loosing something one way or another. so I don't really care who wins this debate but hopefully in four years when I can vote someone with better plans with our world is going to be running for president. So we can make our world stronger and better.

This is a picture of McCain and some troops.

Monday, October 13, 2008

blog 1- 2

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. I like this person because he is random and he does a lot of crazy sculptures. He is a person who sculptures bodies after they are dead. He uses silicone and different types of glue. this image tells me a lot because you can tell that the person is out of regular he is random and crazy in a way But he does a really good job sculpturing bodies like this. He kind of looks scary be the smile he got on his face.

he is heroic because he saved my life and he is always helping me out with my problems. he also always makes sure that i do my best in life.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

PPC Part 3

1.) My predictions were accurate. everything I predicted was correct. I dint know that the cover would tell you so much about the book.

2.) all of my predictions were accurate, but the one that really surprised me was that i predicted that the book was going to be a novel, and guess what it was a novel.

3.) i had predicted that their was going to be a little girl on a jar with jelly, But in reality it was a jar of honey with a picture of the black Mary on it not a little girl, the black Mary.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


This weekend was awesome. The only thing i did was work on my go cart. It might not mean much to you or it might sound boring but because i made it it sounds fun to me. Since Friday the only thing that i did was work on my go cart. i called it go cart weekend. I'm almost done with my go cart i should finish it next week. So I'm looking forward on writing it when all my work is completed.